2010. 12. 20.

2010. 11. 30.


foobar2000 무료 MP3, MP4 Player


2010. 10. 13.

XDSK (XNA Developer’s Survival Kit)


The purpose of the XDSK (XNA Developer’s Survival Kit) is to provide XNA Xbox indie game developers a list of resources to assist them with creating better games, custom engines and most of all to help them raise the bar for titles existing in the XBLIG Library. This list is aimed at developers who are already familiar with Object Oriented programming and game development. It is not a list for beginners, but it may help them get started if they have a little programming experience.
All of the resources listed below were discovered on my quest to develop the Nelxon XNA Game Engine which will be built on top of a stack of modified open-source libraries and designed for rapid game development. The XDSK will provide you with valuable libraries, engines, techniques, articles to broaden your understanding of the XNA Framework and more.

2010. 10. 12.

2010. 10. 6.

2010. 7. 27.

Unreal Engine 3 Development Kit


UDK는 비영리적인 목적 또는 교육용 목적으로는 완전히 무료로 이용할 수 있으며 UDK 홈페이지(www.udk.com)에서 누구나 다운로드 받을 수 있다. UDK 홈페이지에서는 UDK에 대한 자세한 제품 특징과 함께 200여 페이지 이상의 기술 매뉴얼, 전용 포럼(www.udk.com/forums) 등을 제공하며, UDK를 이용해 만들어진 첫 번째 게임인 위즐의 개발자 비디오와 기술 문서 등에 대한 정보도 얻을 수 있다. 또한 3D Buzz 웹사이트(www.3dbuzz.com)에서는 수 백시간이 넘는 분량의 언리얼 엔진 개발 킷의 무료강의 동영상을 이용할 수 있다.

언리얼 엔진 3 비디오 튜토리얼

2010. 1. 14.

Smart Defrag

Smart Defrag™ Freeware
Works with Windows 7/Vista/XP/2000.

What’s the primary cause of slow/unstable PC performance? It’s disk fragmentation. Smart Defrag helps defragment your hard drives more efficiently than any other product on the market –– free or not.

2010. 1. 6.

OpenProj - Project Management

OpenProj by Serena Software is a desktop replacement of Microsoft Project. OpenProj has equivalent functionality, a familiar user interface and even opens existing MSProject files. OpenProj is interoperable with Project, with a Gantt Chart and PERT chart
